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Introducing CAMP REBORN Co., Ltd.

서브 메뉴

컨텐츠 영역

About Us


  • All about Fashion and sewing since 1993

    CAMP REBORN Co., Ltd. pursues a standardized technology with a technology that does not change from beginning to end and a transparent technology process.

    CAMP REBORN Co., Ltd., which has been steadily growing since its establishment in 2016, is a functional fabric-based apparel production industry development company, is managed by a professional designer to manufacture, provide and commercialize various types of office wear, work clothes, sports clothes, downwear, uniforms, etc. It is recognized as high-quality products based on businesses related to public institutions and military officers.

  • Social enterprise certified by the Ministry of Employment and Labor

    A company where professional technicians are passed down for good clothes that follow the principles

    CAMP REBORN, designated as a certified social enterprise in May 2020, pays a reasonable price to pursue coexistence, does not dump for the welfare and future of its employees, and delivers products at fair prices to redistribute for the sake of neighbors. We aim for fair trade. We realize social economy.

  • Korea Industrial Standard (KS) & Defense Technology Quality (DQMS) certified company

    A company certified for in-house standardization and quality management

    CAMP REBORN Co., Ltd. is a Korean industrial standard and defense technology quality certified company, providing high-quality products to customers through transparent production and management in accordance with national standards.

  • A company that is fully equipped with various licenses, qualifications and certifications

    Competitive company that can prove domestic production

    CAMP REBORN Co., Ltd. has all necessary licenses, qualifications and certifications including military uniform manufacturing license, police uniform manufacturing business registration, factory registration, direct production certificate, and direct production certification for overall apparel products.

    - Military uniform (5310270101) / Fire fighting uniform (5310279802) / Maneuver suit (5310279901)
    - Briefs (5310230301) / Boxers (5310230302) / Underwear (5310239901)
    - Women's sportswear (53102901) / Men's sportswear (53102902)
    - Luminous vest (4618150701) / protective clothing (4618152801) / uniform, work clothes (53102710)
    - Men's Overcoat (5310180201) / Women's Overcoat (5310180401)
    - Men's full-dress (5310270201) / Women's full-dress (5310270202)

Created by WISHWEB
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